Alexandra Kicenik Devarenne
California, USA

Alexandra Kicenik Devarenne is an olive oil consultant, writer, and educator based in California. She has participated as a member of official IOC and AOCS-recognized taste panels since 2003 and has taught and organized classes on olive oil sensory analysis for the Culinary Institute of America, Institute of Agrifood Research & Technology (IRTA) Catalonia, University of California Davis Olive Center, Olive Oil Sommeliers of Japan, and others. She serves as a judge and advisor for various olive oil competitions at home and abroad and is a frequent presenter at domestic and international events, focusing on olive oil sensory attributes, communication, marketing and quality. Author of Olive Oil: A Field Guide, she has written on many aspects of olive oil for both popular and scholarly publications and websites. Her career in olive oil began with research and outreach at the UC Cooperative Extension, including work on organic controls for olive fly. As a freelance consultant she focuses on all aspects of improving olive oil quality and success, from helping clients select the best olive cultivars for their needs to creating outstanding blends and telling their stories in the marketplace. Alexandra is the director of Extra Virgin Alliance, the specialty section of the North American Olive Oil Association, working with olive oil producers and experts to foster appreciation and create value in the market for authentic extra virgin olive oil.