Angelo Lo Conte

Angelo Lo Conte is an olive oil expert in the fields of traceability, quality assessment and control. Following his degree in Agricultural Sciences and Technologies from the Faculty of Agriculture of Portici (Naples), Angelo held positions as both teacher and consultant with trade bodies such as the Salerno Olive Oil Association and the Association of Olive Oil Tasters in Naples. He is accredited as a taster and panel leader by the IOC-recognized relevant Italian Ministry of Education programme. He was part of the team that led to the delimitation of the PDO Irpinia-Colline dell’Ufita EVOO region and since 2003 is a founding member of the Èlaion Association, creator of the Ex Olivis event in Ariano where the Tricolle national EVOO competition is organized. Mr Lo Conte has been the curator for the Campania and Basilicata Regions for the Slow Food Extra Virgin Olive Oil Guide.