La Giuria 2025

ATHENA Concorso Internazionale dell'Olio d'Oliva

Come nelle precedenti edizioni, la giuria del concordo ATHIOOC sarà composta da degustatori e assaggiatori di olio d'oliva di livello internazionale, dalla Grecia e dal estero, che possiedono un ampia e profonda conoscenza del olio d'oliva, e con grande esperienza nelle competizioni internazionali..

Per accedere al portale Judges' Corner di ATHIOOC, fare clic qui

Alexis Kerner


Alexis is an environmental scientist and olive oil expert who is a long-time resident of Spain. She holds a degree in environmental studies from Connecticut College and certificates in olive oil tasting and olive cultivation from the Universities of Jaen, Seville and the IFAPA Centro Alameda de Obispo. Since 2014 she is the owner and general manager of The Olive Oil Workshop, through which she has been providing educational services and consultation to producers and buyers. Previously she worked for more than 10 years as an environmental inspector and compost specialist for both the Spanish government and the Staten Island Botanical Garden. She has judged in numerous international olive oil competitions, has lectured widely in Spain and internationally.

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Olive Oil

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