Selin Ertür

Selin Ertür is an olive oil taster, producer and olive oil farmer in Edremit. After graduating from university she travelled to Italy to further her education in olive oil. She was trained and licensed in Tuscany, where she spent eight years working next to Tuscan olive oil experts such as Dr Marco Mugelli.
Her expert status is officially recognised by Mipaff. She holds an italian and international panel leader license according to IOOC norms and additionally holds panel leader authority as recognized by IOOC. Selin has twenty years professional experience in tasting olive oil. She also continues to produce olive oil as the 4th generation of her family, which has had an olive mill since 1899.
She has given many lectures about olive oil tasting, olive varietals and quality parameters both nationally and internationally and has judged in many international competitions such as il Magnifico, Sol d’Oro, Los Angeles, Joop, Montiferru and Lodo Guide.
Having been elected as a member of the Chamber of Agriculture Council, she has been supporting olive growers on olive cultivation and olive oil quality for many years.