The Competition

ATHENA International Olive Oil Competition

1) Purpose of the competition

  • 1.1) Description Open or Close


    The Athena International Olive Oil Competition (AΤΗENA IOOC) is an international olive oil competition held annually in Greece. The competition is international in terms of both judges and participations. The majority of judges are non-Greek nationals, while samples from abroad must account for at least 40% of the total. The competition’s name comes from the ancient Greek goddess Athena who bestowed the olive tree on the city οf Athens which was then named after her.


    Greece ranks 3rd in the world in olive oil production and is by far the leader in per capita consumption. It is the country with the highest percentage of extra virgin olive oil relative to its total production and the country with the highest percentage of arable land dedicated to the cultivation of the olive tree. These facts alone would suffice to justify the project of a Greece-based international olive oil competition. However, an extra dimension should be taken into consideration: Greece was the first country in the world to cultivate the wild olive tree and to produce written records and works of art about olive trees and olive oil, thus contributing to the creation of an olive oil civilization, a most important manifestation of which is the Mediterranean diet, where olive oil plays a leading role.


    ATHENA IOOC initiates and supports innovative culinary projects throughout the year aimed at creating solid brand reputations for competition winners and further developing the market for premium olive oils both locally and around the world. These initiatives are announced periodically whenever necessary.


    The competition is held annually in a different city every year, in one of Greece’s olive oil producing regions.


    ATHENA IOOC strives to fulfill the following key objectives:


    • To promote high quality EVOOS in Greece and internationally.
    • To contribute to the production and continuous improvement of high-quality olive oils, highlighting newcomer olive-growing countries and regions as well as rare olive varietals.
    • To encourage olive oil consumption as a nutritious and healthy product that carries great cultural value deserving a prominent role in fine cuisine.
    • To present the typical characteristics of each olive oil as well as the trends in the olive oil industry, both for experts and consumers, in order to raise their awareness of world olive oil production.
    • To help consumers choose the best olive oils in the world thanks to the quality
    • certification provided by the “Athena” seal on all award-winning bottles.


    All of the above are encompassed in the competition’s motto: “Expanding Excellence in Olive Oil”.

  • 1.2) Organization Open or Close

    ATHENA IOOC is organized by Vinetum Event Management, a company with considerable experience in the organization of prestigious exhibitions, conferences, competitions and other high-profile events. The competition is chaired by Constantine Stergides, founder and CEO of Vinetum and is directed by Maria Katsouli, accredited olive oil connoisseur and the first Wine & Olive Oil Sommelier in Greece.

2) Entry procedure

  • 2.1) Participating Olive Oils Open or Close

    ATHENA IOOC is international and open to all olive oil producing countries of the world, from both the northern and southern hemispheres, provided that the participating entries are Extra Virgin Olive Oils. Flavored (infused) olive oils and those with condiments are also eligible to compete and are individually evaluated by judges using distinct assessment criteria, through a specialized evaluation tasting sheet developed by ATHENA. This tasting sheet, and the one used for the non-flavored EVOOs, is digitally supported by proprietary software specifically designed for the competition.


    All of the following criteria must be met in order to participate in the competition:


    • Samples submitted must contain olive oil produced by crop of the most recent harvested season.
    • Samples must be submitted in their normal retail packaging and brand labels.
    • Samples must bear a commercial label compliant with the laws of their country of origin or the country they were bottled in.
    • The largest eligible sample size is 1 liter.
    • Every sample must be from a single homogeneous batch of at least 500 kilograms.
    • The entry form must be submitted to the organizers no later than 22/03/2024.
  • 2.2) Entry Form Open or Close

    A fully completed entry form must be submitted through the online registration tool on ATHENA IOOC's website. After payment has been submitted the participant will receive a receipt and an entry confirmation from the organizers.


    The entry form for each sample must be followed by the submission of a chemical analysis certificate issued by an accredited (ISO 17025 compliant) testing lab indicating free fatty acids, peroxides and absorption characteristics (Κ232nm, Κ270nm and ΔΚ) and dated no more than 120 days prior to submission.


    The certificate of chemical analysis must either be uploaded to the electronic participation tool or sent via email to the organizing company, Vinetum, at, within a reasonable timeframe from the date of submitting the participation application, and in any case, before or at least together with the submission of the samples (the same applies to the certificate for organic olive oil).

  • 2.3) Entry Fees Open or Close

    The participation fee for a single sample is €225 (before VAT, if applicable). However, by making use of the early bird discount period, this fee can be reduced to €180. More discounts are available for larger number of samples, starting from the 2nd one; participants can combine both discount policies (time-based and quantity-based) for maximum effect.


    Discount policy in detail:


    • TIME-BASED DISCOUNT (early bird period)


    Those who register during the early bird period (18/10/2023 to 02/02/2024) benefit from a 20% discount; therefore, the participation cost for one sample during the early bird period is €180.00 (before VAT, if applicable). This discount can be combined with the following, quantity-based discount, depending on the number of participating samples:




    For participants with up to 5 samples the fee structure is as follows:


    Discount Percentage

    Early bird price per sample

    Price outside of the early bird period per sample

    1st sample




    2nd sample




    3rd sample




    4th sample




    5th sample


    No charge

    No charge


    Therefore, total participation cost for up to 5 samples is as follows:


    Discount Percentage

    Total cost with early bird price

    Total cost outside of early bird period

    1st Sample




    2nd Sample




    3rd Sample




    4th Sample




    5th Sample





    For participants with more than 5 samples the discount per sample is 30%, regardless of the number of samples and the last sample, regardless of its number, is always accepted for free. The fee structure is as follows (example with 7 samples):


    Discount Percentage      

    Early bird price per sample      

    Price outside of the early bird period per sample       

    1st Sample




    2nd Sample




    3rd Sample




    4th Sample




    5th Sample




    6th Sample




    7th Sample


    No charge

    No charge


    Therefore, total participation cost for participants with more than 5 samples is as follows (example with 7 samples):


    Discount Percentage      

    Total cost with early bird price       

    Total cost outside of early bird period       

    1st Sample




    2nd Sample




    3rd Sample




    4th Sample




    5th Sample




    6th Sample




    7th Sample





    Important clarification: Only companies with a Greek VAT number and individuals from abroad who are not incorporated as companies (they have no VAT number) are subject to VAT.

  • 2.4) Payment Methods Open or Close
    1. By direct bank deposit to*: EUROBANK (IBAN): GR0502600360000650200340705 SWIFT: ERBKGRAA*
    2. With a prepaid or credit card, through the securely guaranteed system developed by the competition.
    3. By credit card through Paypal.


    *Important notice: In the case of payment via bank deposit or wire transfer it is necessary to include the company name on the deposit slip and not the name of the person making the deposit. Additionally, the deposit slip should be uploaded or sent to Vinetum via email at

  • 2.5) Sample Submission Open or Close

    Depending on your bottle size the required number of samples for every submission is as follows:

    1. For 500ml, 750ml or 1 liter bottles: 3 samples.
    2. For 350ml bottles: 4 samples.
    3. For 250ml or smaller bottles: 5 samples.
  • 2.6) Sample Shipping Open or Close

    Samples must be shipped “door to door” and the use of a freight forwarder or courier company is recommended. Participants are responsible for all shipping costs and any customs duties. The competition organizer cannot be held responsible for the condition of the samples or any breakage prior to their receipt. Moreover, the organizer bears no responsibility for late shipments or delays by the shipping/forwarding company. Once samples are received, the organizer guarantees their secure warehousing in a climate-controlled facility and their safe and proper transfer to the event venue.


    Very important notice:

    All packaging must be clearly labeled “SAMPLE WITH NO COMMERCIAL VALUE – NOT FOR SALE” and must be accompanied by an invoice with a nominal value anywhere from €1 to €20 (US$22). Also, if mailing from outside the EU, it is very important to send your samples in packages that do not exceed 5-6kg, otherwise Greek customs impose duties. Competition participants must submit a copy of the shipping manifest of their samples to the competition organizer.


    Samples should be shipped to the following address:

    VINETUM Ltd.,

    41 Kareas Ave,

    162 33 Vyronas, Athens, Greece

    Telephone: (+30) 210 766 0560

  • 2.7) Submission Deadline Open or Close


    Samples must be received by the competition organizer no later than 29/03/2024. The organizer cannot guarantee the evaluation of samples that are received after that date. Late sample entries that are not assessed will not be returned. Entry fees are not refundable.


3) Sample Receipt

  • 3.1) Technical Committee Open or Close

    The technical committee is responsible for the reception of submitted samples, the review of all associated documents, of the legal compliance of product labels and the recording, classification and encoding of samples as well as the formation of the panel of judges. Upon receipt of your sample(s), the technical committee will review all submitted and accompanying documents and will notify you as to their adequacy.

4) Sample Evaluation

  • 4.1) Panel of Judges Open or Close

    The panel consists of judges with many years cumulative experience in the organoleptic assessment of olive oil; judges are accredited by the International Olive Council (IOC) or by other international or national bodies. These bodies are, in turn, accredited either by the IOC or by other recognized educational institutions offering relevant training according to IOC standards. The total number of judges depends on the number of samples submitted to the competition. In any case, two thirds (2/3) of the judges are foreign nationals. Judges are assigned to panels comprised of 5 to 7 members. Each panel has a president who is responsible for the panel’s compliance with the appropriate organoleptic assessment procedures and the competition’s rules.


    The evaluation procedure takes place in the morning only and each panel assesses a maximum of 35 samples per day. All entries are sampled in the opaque cobalt blue tasting glasses that have been certified by the IOC as the official vessels for the organoleptic assessment of olive oil. ATHENA panel leader for all committees is Mr José-Maria Penco from Spain.

  • 4.2) Sample assessment procedure Open or Close

    Samples are assessed using the blind tasting method with each entry identified only by a random code number. Sample classification –the order in which samples are assessed– is organized so that all samples are judged on a fair and equal basis. Each panel of judges clearly identifies on the assessment sheet the organoleptic qualities of olive oils as well as any negative qualities. After the awards ceremony, all participants, gradually receive electronically the feedback and comments from the judging panel regarding their olive oil.

5) Awards

  • 5.1) Awards – Medals Open or Close

    Olive oil entries are assessed using a scoring system with a maximum score of 100. Awards are based on the following table:

    65,0/100 to 74,9/100: Bronze medal
    75,0/100 to 84,9/100: Silver medal
    85,0/100 to 94,9/100: Gold medal
    95,0/100 to 100/100:  Double Gold or Grand Gold medal

  • 5.2) Special Awards Open or Close

    To further reward specific efforts, Athena IOOC presents the following special awards:

    1. Best of show (highest score).
    2. Best olive oil per country of origin (minimum of 5 entries required).
    3. Best single varietal olive oil.
    4. Best entry per varietal (minimum of 5 entries required).
    5. Best blended (multi-varietal) olive oil.
    6. Best olive oil from the Koroneiki varietal, worldwide.
    7. Best Greek olive oil from the Koroneiki varietal.
    8. Best organic extra virgin olive oil, worldwide.
    9. Best Greek organic extra virgin olive oil.
    10. Best Greek olive oil per region: Crete, the Peloponnese, Central Greece, Thessaly, Epirus, Macedonia, Thrace, Ionian Islands, the Aegean Islands.
    11. Best flavored or infused olive oil.
    12. Best olive oil produced by winemaker (if at least 5 samples entered).



  • 5.3) Publicity Open or Close

    The announcement of the awards for the ATHENA IOOC is made online, specifically on the website For the 2024 edition, the results will be announced on 20/05/2024 at 12:00 noon.

    Within 30 days after the awards ceremony winners will receive, by registered mail and without any additional charge the following: printed certificates of medal obtained with special embossed printing, a metallic embossed plaque “Award Winner”, a large “Award Winner” decal, medal(s) for bronze, silver, gold and double gold distinctions. Additionally, the organoleptic profile of each participant's olive oil is sent to them electronically. Upon request, the winners can also purchase special stickers for their award-winning olive oils from the organizers for a small additional fee.

  • 5.4) Confirmation of the validity of the samples Open or Close

    The organizers of the Athena International Olive Oil Competition trust that all participants will provide accurate declarations about their olive oil, both on the registration form and in the chemical analysis they send. However, they also retain the right to re-evaluate any award-winning olive oil through chemical analysis and cross-organoleptic testing with the appropriate procedures and means. This reassessment will compare the sample sent to the competition with the same olive oil acquired directly from the producer or from market, in order to ascertain that the products are identical.


    In any case, for sampling and statistical purposes, a re-evaluation is conducted, which involves approximately 10% of the awarded samples. This re-evaluation is performed by comparing the sample sent to the competition with a sample of the same olive oil sourced from the market in order to be sure their properties are identical.

6) Important Dates

  • 6.1) Important Dates Open or Close

    18/10/2023: Competition opens for registration.
    02/02/2024: Last day for early bird registrations.
    22/03/2024: Last day for all registrations.
    29/03/2024: Final deadline for samples to reach Vinetum.
    25–27/04/2024: Evaluation process.
    20/05/2024: Announcement of results.

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Olive Oil

+30 210 766 0560

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